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Espressif is a leading semiconductor manufacturer that specializes in the development of low-power, high-performance Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) solutions, Wireless SoCs and modules. Espressif was established in 2008 with offices in China, Czech Republic, India, Singapore and Brazil. Espressif has now also integrated Flash memory in some of their SoC which makes them ideal also as a powerfull microcontroller for non-wireless applications. They continue to innovate and deliver products which help you make the most of the latest technologies including Wi-Fi 6 and the Matter Protocol.

Image of Espressif ESP32-C3 wifi module

Product Categories

Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Solutions

  • ESP Modules: integrated Flash 4-32MB, optional PSRAM

  • ESP System On Chip (SoC): RISC-V Core, X-tensa® Dual/Mono Core

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